Monday, December 11, 2006

Masterpiece Theater

Okay, so recently pictures have been cropping up that there's going to be a Masterpiece version of Megs out next year, and yours truly, Pepsimus Prime, is ticked off about it.

I mean, really? How many versions of a Megatron toy are needed? There's been a Megatron in nearly every TF line so far and so far only two versions of Pepsimus Prime.

You've got G1 Megatron, G2 Megatron, Armada Megatron, Energon Megatron, Cyberton Megatron, Machine Wars Megatron, Clone Wars Megatron, Little House on the Prarie Megatron... the list goes on and on.

Me, I get a mail away offer figure that's just OP with an extra sticker and another that comes with a cardboard bottle.

And no, I am not jealous.



Okay, I am jealous! I mean, come on... every repaint of OP is either a white Magnus (which always--always--looks stupid) or its a black "Scourge" (oooh, look at me... I'm scary... I've got black paint... oooh). You'd think with the way that Hastak loves to repaint figures over and over that the next one out would be a Masterpiece Pepsimus Prime, right?

I mean, which would you rather have... a super detailed version of the Decepticon leader or a nice repaint of Optimus that proclaims your love for refreshing beverages?



Jerks... I hope they all get stuck in customs.

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